Subject Listening (out of 40) General Reading (out of 40) Academic Reading (out of 40)
    Raw Score / 40
    IELTS Band

    Calculate IELTS Band Score

    Make My Future offers you a band calculator to calculate your score for reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. These scores are provided from 0 to 9. Along with that, you might also receive scores in “.5”, such as 5.5 or 6.5. The average of all the scores earned in each skill becomes your overall IELTS band score.

    Your reading and listening scores depend on the correct answers out of a total of 40 questions. Incorrect answers don’t take away your scores. In writing assessment, you receive writing tasks based on several criteria. Your speaking score depends on fluency, grammatical accuracy, grammar range, pronunciation, and vocabulary.


    Preparation strategy: Calculating your IELTS band score can help you with your preparation strategy. Our score calculator gives a predictive score, so you can figure out how to move further with the preparation process.

    Recognizing weak areas: You can recognize which subjects are not resulting in your favour and work more intensely on them.

    Building confidence: As your band scores improve, you become more and more confident about your performance. A certain level of confidence is important to avoid nervousness during your real examination.

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